Communication is a key element in every organization. Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is no different. In an ongoing effort, we are developing new communication methods to both get our message out and to draw in new membership. While one of our focuses will be on print media – submitting press releases to local and national newspapers, we will also be reaching out through social media.Communication is a key element in every organization. Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is no
different. In an ongoing effort, we are developing new communication methods to both get our message out and to draw in new membership. While one of our focuses will be on print media – submitting press releases to local and national newspapers, we will also be reaching out through social media. One of our goals is to speak with one voice – meaning we want to be consistent in our
communication efforts. Therefore, we have identified that providing Chapters with templates
for press releases will give them a tool to get their message out to the media. We hope that
every Chapter takes advantage of the press release template; and, if you haven’t already, get
email addresses of the editors of all your local papers and radio station managers. Create
an ‘email group’ for them so you can provide them with a press release for every event. You
will be surprised how many will give you advertising as a public service. Additionally, going forward, we will add social media tools for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
It will take some time to build our social media foundation so jump on board with us as we
guide you through the process and be patient! We may not see immediate results.
Finally, we will be adding letters that have been successful for donation solicitation. Feel free
to use these letters and templates as tools for each of your Chapters. We urge you to share documents you have created that have successfully accomplish your
purpose. Working together, we can get our message out and build membership! ****************************
Membership Drive
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc
Chapter Contact Name, Phone Number and Email
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. announces new _______ Chapter
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. (BSMA) (Your Chapter) announces the charter of a new chapter. This new Chapter will serve the _________ region. (event and a little about it) Blue Star Mothers of America are mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, foster mothers and female legal guardians who have children serving in the military, guard or reserves, or children who are veterans. These mothers support each other and their children while promoting patriotism. The organization focuses on their mission every single day and will never, ever, forsake our troops, our veterans or the families of our Fallen Heroes. Currently, there are over 6,000 members from over 200 Chapters throughout the nation.
Spokesperson ___________ expressed enthusiasm about the new Chapter stating, “This new Chapter opens up opportunities to offer more support to Military families throughout ______.”
The new Chapter will be meeting monthly at __________________. For members outside the logistical area, a conference call line has been set up allowing members to participate in Chapter activities and support.
______________. President of the newly formed Chapter stated, “Our Chapter is
small in membership, but big in heart. We are excited to accomplish a lot in the coming years.”
Blue Star Mothers of America was founded in 1942 in Flint, Michigan. The organization provides support for active duty service personnel, promotes patriotism, assists Veterans organizations, and is available to assist in homeland volunteer efforts to help our country remain strong.
For further information about joining this Chapter, please contact ___________________
Have you ever heard the saying, “Being a mom is hard”? Certainly, it is. We work to raise our children, nurturing, guiding and protecting them as theygrow into independence. We watch with pride and celebrate that
independence. Yet, the role of a military mom is a quite different from that of most moms. Our hearts are torn with pride for the patriotic commitment our child has made to protect the freedoms of those they may not
even agree with and the fear of the dangers both physically and mentally that our child will face both domestically and on foreign lands. We wait, we worry, we watch, and we try not to let our imaginations get the best of us.
As a military mother support group, Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. members, not only support our military forces and our Veterans, we also play a key role in supporting each other. After all, who really knows more about what you are experiencing than another Military Mom?
We are dedicating our current fundraising efforts to purchasing ___________________.
Would you partner with us in this journey? We estimate the cost of this fundraising goal to be about $___. We have begun fundraising efforts through our volunteer work, but it will take more than our membership efforts. Your help is needed to reach our goals. We have created three levels of support:
Gold Sponsor - $1,000
Blue Sponsor - $500
Red Sponsor -$250
Should those levels of support not fit your budget, please contribute any amount to show your support. Our goal is to present the funds to _____________ on _____________.
We have been told that there was something we did during our child’s youth that impressed upon them the desire to serve and protect our great Country. I may not ever know exactly what that was, but it produced a drive in my child, and the children of the others, to serve someone/something larger than
We appreciate any financial support you can give us for this project and will keep you updated on our progress. Thank you in advance for your help.